Future Minerals Forum Advances Global Discussion on Clean Energy Transition

New Partnerships to Shape Conversations on Sustainable Development in Global Metals and Minerals at Future Minerals Forum 2024

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Dec. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Future Minerals Forum (FMF), scheduled to take place 9-11 January in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, today announced three new strategic partnerships to inform the global discourse on minerals and their critical role in sustainable global development and the need to transition to new energy sources. The new partnerships with CRU Group, Global AI and Wood Mackenzie will deliver business intelligence and insights in a series of studies to be published ahead of FMF. They complement existing partnerships with McKinsey & Company, Payne Institute for Public Policy, Clareo-DPI and Baker Institute.

Wood Mackenzie is embarking on a pivotal study to define the super region’s potential. The white paper will identify key drivers for the creation of sustainable value chains as well as highlight the current challenges facing the global minerals and how they affect the minerals industry across this resource-rich area. This report will serve as a crucial guide for stakeholders by establishing the foundations for what can be achieved from governmental and market collaboration as the region looks to unlock its resource potential to better enable the energy transition.

Global AI is set to conduct a comprehensive global sentiment analysis using state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, focusing on mining and mineral operations across the Super Region. This analysis aims to shed light on societal perceptions to inform dialogue on the roles governments, the private sector, and civil society must play in securing social license to operate, ensuring mining operations deliver tangible benefit local communities and minimize impact on the environment.

Meanwhile, CRU’s report will highlight the urgency of addressing critical mineral bottlenecks to meet climate goals, with a focus on the Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia as key future suppliers.

Together, these insights all align with FMF’s mission to enable the development of sustainable mineral industries, place the Super Region at the forefront of the global minerals conversation, and shape responsible mining practices. FMF, as a government-led, multi-stakeholder platform, aims to catalyze dialogue among industry leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders to drive progress toward a more sustainable and prosperous future in mineral development.

Media Contact:
Omar Shereen
E: Omar.Shereen@fleishman.com
M: +966 50 663 0489

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000906107

‫مؤتمر التعدين الدولي يعقد شراكات مع مؤسسات بحثية رائدة حول دور المعادن الحاسم في التنمية المستدامة على مستوى العالم

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية, Dec. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

أعلن مؤتمر التعدين الدولي إطلاق شراكات جديدة مع عدد من المراكز والمؤسسات البحثية الرائدة عالميا، لتطوير نقاشات حول المعادن ودورها الحاسم في التنمية العالمية المستدامة والحاجة إلى الانتقال إلى الطاقة النظيفة. وشملت هذه الشراكات كلا من “وود ماكنزي” للاستشارات، و (جلوبال إيه إي) و (سي آر ي يو جروب)، بالإضافة إلى الشراكات القائمة مع معهد شركاء التنمية، وشركة كلاريو، ومركز دراسات الطاقة في معهد بيكر للسياسة العامة بجامعة رايس، ومعهد باين بجامعة كولورادو للمناجم
ويسعى المؤتمر، الذي تنعقد نسخته الثالثة في يناير القادم، إلى تكثيف وتطوير البحوث والنقاشات العالمية في مجال المعادن والفلزات، وتقديم رؤى ديناميكية تدعم عملية النهوض بقطاع التعدين وصناعة المعادن، أخذاً في الاعتبار أن الانتقال إلى مصادر الطاقة المتجددة سيؤدي إلى زيادة الطلب على المعادن الحرجة في السنوات القادمة، وذلك وفقا لتقرير وكالة الطاقة الدولية، كما ينهض المؤتمر بدور مهم في قيادة التعاون والنقاش حول تعزيز سلاسل القيمة المعدنية المرنة والمسؤولة، لا سيما في المنطقة الكبرى التي تمتد عبر أفريقيا وغرب ووسط آسيا، وذلك من خلال توفير منصة للتواصل وتبادل المعرفة والخبرات بين المستثمرين والمختصين في مجال المعادن من جميع أنحاء العالم.
وبموجب الشراكة ستعمل شركة وود ماكينزي على إعداد تقرير يهدف إلى تحديد إمكانات المنطقة الكبرى، ومبررات إنشاء سلاسل تصنيع قوية عبر هذه المنطقة الغنية بالمعادن؛ حيث سيكون هذا التقرير بمثابة دليل لذوي العلاقة لتسخير موارد المنطقة غير المستغلة وتعزيز التنمية المستدامة فيها.
فيما تعمل (جلوبال إيه إي) على إجراء تحليل شامل للاحتياجات العالمية، مع التركيز على عمليات التعدين والمعادن في جميع أنحاء المنطقة الكبرى. ويهدف هذا التحليل إلى تسليط الضوء على التنمية المجتمعية، بهدف توجيه الحوار إلى الأدوار التي يجب أن تلعبها الحكومات والقطاع الخاص والمجتمع المدني لتأمين الدعم الاجتماعي، وضمان تحقيق الفائدة من عمليات التعدين للمجتمعات المحلية، وتقليل التأثير على البيئة.
ويسلط تقرير (سي آر ي يو جروب) الضوء على دور المعادن الحرجة في معالجة قضايا المناخ، مع التركيز على الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا وآسيا الوسطى كموردين رئيسيين في المستقبل.

يُذكر أن مؤتمر التعدين الدولي والاجتماع الوزاري الذي يُعقد في إطاره يعد بمثابة منصتين عالميتين لبناء التعاون وإدارة الحوار الذي يستطلع آفاق التعدين ويفتح باب استكشاف فرص الاستثمار في العالم بشكل عام وفي المنطقة الكبرى الممتدة من أفريقيا إلى غرب ووسط آسيا بشكل خاص، بالإضافة إلى إتاحة الفرصة للجميع ليطلعوا على الدور المحوري لاستدامة القطاع ومستجداته على الصعيد التقني، وتأثيراته الاجتماعية والاقتصادية بما يتماشى مع المبادرات الإستراتيجية الأربع الناتجة عن الاجتماع الوزاري للوزراء المعنيين بشؤون التعدين الذي عقد في يناير من 2023. وتشمل هذه المبادرات تطوير استراتيجيات المعادن الحرجة في منطقة التعدين الكبرى التي تضم 80 دولة، وإنتاج المعادن الخضراء باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة وتطوير مراكز معالجة لتلك المعادن في المنطقة، وتطوير معايير استدامة ملائمة لدول المنطقة تسهم في تعزيز ثقة المجتمعات المحلية في القطاع، وبناء مراكز تميز في هذه المنطقة لتمكين الاستثمار وبناء القدرات البشرية في مجال التعدين.


عمر شيرين

البريد الإلكتروني: Omar.shereen@fleishman.com

جوال: +966 50 663 0489

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000906107


Six Palestinian youths were killed at dawn on Wednesday after an Israeli drone bombed them in Nour Shams camp, east of Tulkarm.

The Martyr Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital in the city said that six youths were killed and others were injured after an Israeli drone bombed them in the camp, an hour after the occupation obstructed ambulances on their way to the hospital for the injured.

The slain Palestinians were identified as Ahmed Anwar Hamarsha, 19,, Ahmed Abdel Rahman Issa, 19, Adham Muhammad Fahmawi, 19, Yazan Ahmed Wahid Fahmawi, 23, Fares Hossam Fahmawi, 29, and Hamza Ahmed Mustafa Fahmawi, 17, while a 24-year-old youth was seriously injured in the head and his condition was reported to be critical.

After 65 minutes of detention, the occupation forces let go of an ambulance carrying three serious injuries from Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm, bringing the number of injuries to four, according to the Red Crescent.

The head of the Tulkarm Doctors Syndicate, Radwan Balibla, said that an occupation army so
ldier stabbed one of the injured people inside the ambulance, pointing out that other injuries were assaulted and beaten up with kicks, punches, and rifles amidst threats to kill them by the soldiers, and not allowing them to reach the hospital.

Meanwhile, the occupation forces shelled an abandoned house in an area in the Aktaba suburb, east of Tulkarm, opposite the Nour Shams camp, while heavy bullets were fired at a vehicle that was parked near the house.

Eyewitnesses said that the occupation forces stopped Al-Shifa ambulance that came to the place to check whether there were injuries, and forced the ambulance officer to enter the house to inspect him before releasing him.

The Israeli occupation forces stormed the city of Tulkarm and the Nour Shams camp east of it.

WAFA correspondent reported that the occupation forces, with their military vehicles and bulldozers, stormed the city from its western axis, passing through Khadoori Street and Jamal Abdel Nasser Square in the center of the city, and the old
garage complex street, and roamed its various streets and neighborhoods, while another force headed from the direction of the Courts Roundabout towards Nour Shams camp, east of the city, and was deployed in the Al-Manshiya neighborhood and imposed a tight siege on it.

The occupation forces stormed a number of citizens’ homes in various neighborhoods of the camp, specifically the Al-Manshiya, Al-Mahjar, Al-Joura, Al-Damj, and Jabal Al-Nasr areas, and conducted a wide search inside them and destroyed their contents after subjecting their owners to interrogation.

The occupation forces mounted the roofs of high-rise buildings inside and around the camp and turned them into observation points, while bulldozers razed the infrastructure in the main streets of the camp, its square, and Al-Manshiya neighborhood, including demolishing some of the walls of public and private facilities, squares, and property.

The occupation deliberately caused significant disruption to communications and Internet networks inside the
camp, while sounds of explosions were heard in the area.

The Fatah movement in Tulkarm mourned the slain youths of Nour Shams camp who were killed in a new massacre carried out by the occupation.

Fatah Secretary Iyad Al-Jarad declared that today, Wednesday, the city will be observing a comprehensive strike in Tulkarm Governorate, including all aspects of life, to mourn the slain youths.

It is noteworthy that this is the second Israeli raid in Tulkaem within 24 hours, which resulted in the destruction of citizens’ property and the bombing of their homes.
Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

Qatar approves draft grant agreement to provide cash assistance to Syrian refugees in Jordan

Doha: The Qatari Council of Ministers on Wednesday approved a draft grant agreement between the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for multi-purpose cash assistance to Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon.

The sum of the grant was not determined during today’s weekly meeting of the Qatari Council of Ministers, which was chaired by the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani.
Source: Jordan News Agency

AABU President, Pakistani envoy talk cooperation

Mafraq: President of Al al-Bayt University (AABU), Osama Nusier and Pakistan’s Ambassador to Jordan, Muhammad Ajmal Iqbal, met on Wednesday to discuss scientific and academic cooperation between the two countries.

In the meeting, Nusier highlighted the AABU’s inception as well as its key programs, specializations, and projects. He cited the attention the AABU provides to its international students as well as its initiatives to draw in more enrollment.

The Pakistani envoy in turn emphasized the depth of ties between Pakistan and Jordan, which is advantageous to both friendly nations and their respective peoples.
Source: Jordan News Agency

Ajloun Cable Car Suspends Operations Due to Weather

Ajloun: The Jordan Free and Development Zones Group ceased operations for the Ajloun Cable Car on Wednesday.

It cited adverse weather conditions and strong winds as the reasons behind the temporary closure, emphasizing the move aims to ensure the safety of visitors during these challenging conditions.
Source: Jordan News Agency

AIG initiates donation campaign to Gaza

Amman: Airport International Group (AIG) initiated a company-wide donation campaign to help the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization’s (JHCO) efforts to offer emergency and basic necessities for people in Gaza, such as relief, food, medical supplies, and other goods.

The AIG Foundation, the executive arm of AIG’s social responsibility initiatives, donated a total of JD25,000 to JHCO on behalf of the company in recognition of the work team’s significant contributions, an AIG statement said Wednesday.

The initiative, according to AIG, contributed to the collective effort that would help make a perceptible impact in the lives of people who are suffering immense difficulties and adversity.

AIG collaborated with JHCO to support the food parcel packing effort, which aims to provide Gazans with essential livelihoods.

A number of AIG employees, both male and female, dedicated their time and efforts to take part in this endeavor, which was recently hosted in JHCO’s warehouses in Mafraq Governorate, northern Jorda

Furthermore, AIG employees from various departments took part in a blood donation drive conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Health’s Blood Bank Directorate. Consequently, more than 130 units of blood were collected for the people of Gaza.

“In times of adversity, team unity is the greatest strength, embodying social solidarity with people facing unimaginable difficulties,” AIG Foundation Chairman Omar Al Masri said.

JHCO Secretary-General Hussein Al-Shebli expressed gratitude for AIG and its employees’ efforts to support the “For Our People in Gaza” campaign.

Al-Shebli said that the preparation and delivery of various forms of humanitarian aid to Gaza continues in collaboration and coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates and the Jordan Armed Forces (JAF).
Source: Jordan News Agency